Let’s talk about money: living expenses in Tallinn

One of the questions we get asked the most is how much students spend while living in Tallinn. The answer is not so straightforward because it will depend a lot on each person’s lifestyle; but what is certain is that, compared to most European capitals, life is fairly cheap in Tallinn. Here are some rough…

Stockholm: My exchange semester

  We had previously talked about the process of going on Erasmus here and here, but now it’s time to talk about the actual experience of being on Erasmus and to try to explain why so many people love their semester abroad. Anastasia has already talked about her time in Rome (link here) and now…

Rome: my exchange semester

An hour ago, I took off from Rome Fiumicino airport, and my Erasmus experience has officially come to an end. Many of you, however, are now packing your bags and getting ready for an adventure of a lifetime. An adventure that will show you the world from a different perspective, no matter who you are…

My Erasmus Experience: The Application Process, Part II

I love living in Tallinn, but right after I was accepted at TTÜ I started looking at the possibility of spending a semester somewhere else. To me, an Erasmus experience was the perfect opportunity to live in another city and learn about yet another culture, so doing this was always in my mind and fortunately I had…

January in Estonia

I once read somewhere that January is the worst month of the year in Estonia and, well, I have to agree with that: it’s cold and dark, there isn’t much to do other than studying for a couple of exams if you didn’t take them all already, and the Christmas festivities are long gone. The…

Where to Study in Tallinn

So exams are coming up and you are tired of studying at home and staring at the same four walls? I am completely with you. So here are some places in Tallinn that make studying a little more fun and motivating. TTU Library Of course, if you are a student of TTU you know about…

Christmas has arrived to Tallinn!

Pretty much all cities in Europe have Christmas markets in their main squares, and Tallinn is no exception. But there is something unique about this one: Tallinn claims to be the place where the first Christmas tree was ever erected. How cool is that? 🙂 The legend tells us that as early as 1441, the…

My Erasmus Experience – the Application Process  

Do you have a dream city where you have always wanted to live? A language you have always wanted to master? Or perhaps a university you have always wanted to study in? Then you have come to the right place! If you would like to learn a new language, experience a new culture, and gain…

PÖFF: The Black Nights Film Festival

If you are a movie fan, then this will interest you. The Black Nights Film Festival (PÖFF), is a very cool event that takes place in Tallinn every year where many films from all over the world are screened. The Festival ends with a closing ceremony where the best movie is chosen and awarded. This…

Exporing Tallinn: The TV Tower

Tallinn is so much more than its Old Town. There are several cool places to go to and Autumn is the perfect time to do so: it isn’t too cold yet, there aren’t too many tourists anymore and final exams are nowhere to be seen yet. In the series Exploring Tallinn we will show you some of the places…

The Tallinn Service Guide: Cinemas

Have you finally arrived to Tallinn? Congratulations! Now it’s time to fill your fridge and get all the stuff you need to make yourself feel at home. In this new series called The Tallinn Service Guide we will give you information about where to find most of the things you need to live a happy life in…